Monday, December 29, 2008

So Irritated!

I am so irritated and tired of my brother staying with me at my house. He has over stayed his welcome. This idiot so mean and inconsiderate. He calls me up from Florida whining that it's not working out there and that his friend is totally taking advantage of him. He wants to come home but he has nowhere to stay. Me like and idiot as well decided to let him stay with me until he can get a place of his own. Big mistake for me. Since he has been here he barely helps me out with gas money for driving his ass to and from work. He still needs to help out with food and other bills that he helps wrack up. I told him that he would have to help out and it is like he wants to be here for free. Don't get me wrong he has bought some food but still. I do his laundry. I cook his food. I do almost everything for this ungrateful bastard and I get a I hate you bitch die in a fire phrase. I don't care if he is being sarcastic. It is still a mean thing to say. All I gotta say is he needs to be out by Dec 31st. Since I can no longer put up with his crap. I am family for heaven's sake and he is totally taking advantage of me. Well no more yeah jerk! Go move in with Mom. Besides the fact that he is totally getting on my nerves, I want my house back to the way it was. I miss my privacy, my intimate time with my man. To make matters worse he is mean to my children. That is why I am kicking him out. He is suck an ass and he wonders why his friend took advantage of him. What goes around comes around. I know he is upset about that but don't take it out on my family and I. I just want him gone. I can handle him only when he lives somewhere else.
On a more positive note. My Mom totally took my older daughter for a few days so that I can have a break from all of her energy. She will also be keeping my baby as well on New Year's Eve so that I can cut loose at home with friends. I really need that break, to be kid free for one night. I know I will sleep very good in peace and quiet. Well until next time I'll chat with y'all soon.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The week was a bore!

Oh my goodness this whole week has been a total blah. Nothing eventful except for the weather. First snow, then ice and snow, then more snow!!! I am fed up with the deep freeze. Just quite for a week please. The roads are constantly crappy and I want a break from it. Don't get me wrong I love snow but too much of a good thing is bad. You tend to grow tired of it real quick. At least we don't have this crap year long. I should be thankful. My baby is just growing so fast. I just don't want to think about it. She can't stay a baby for ever I guess. I just want them little for as long as I can. I know it can be challenging at times but hey this is what I wanted. Surprises all of the time. Kids are great for surprising you all of the time. They never stop amazing me. I am so proud of them. I hope that I can raise them well and that they will turn out to be outstanding citizens. Awe they are sooo precious when they are sleeping, true angles. Well it was nice to blog, it gave me a chance to take my mind off of all the blah, blah.
Until next time see ya soon.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A boring Birthday.

It was a very boring birthday for my baby. Thank goodness she won't remember this when she is older. Nobody came over because of the crappy weather that was coming. It was only going to be family but still. The weather prevented that. I was gonna have a birthday party for her on Dec. 13th but my most of my friends said that they didn't want to attend on account of they didn't have any money to buy her a present. I didn't care I just wanted people to come over and help me celebrate her turning 1yrs old. I wanted to take pictures and have cake and ice cream. I was even going to provide food. However they said that they would feel awkward coming to a party without a gift. It's not like she is going to remember this any way I just wanted proof of a party memories. Well I will just have to throw her a party after the holidays. I'm sure they will come then. My best friend Abbey will becoming in town next weekend I think to celebrate my baby's birthday. I love her she is more than just my best friend she is family to me. Just like my friend Christie. They mean a lot to me just in very different ways from each other.
Earlier today I got to attend my older daughter's Christmas program which was the first one I have ever been able to attend since she has been in school. I have always missed it on account of work. Today I didn't have to work so I got to see her up on stage singing with her class. Silly me I left my camera at home. Luckily my Brother and Sister-in-Law was there recording their daughter and they got mine too since I didn't have my camera. I love them. This is the first year that their child is attending school. She is in preschool. So they are so excited to be involved in school functions. They still have 2 younger children at home. So they will have plenty of school events to attend.
Well today was pretty boring, I suppose it could have been worse. Thank god it wasn't. Abbey did stop by to give me my baby's gifts, she just couldn't visit like we planned because of the nasty weather. Thanks Abbey! Kiss the kids for me I miss you guys, and maybe the next time your in town you can visit longer or even stay over night. I hope Jeff has a safe trip.
Well until next time I will see you all later.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I love the weather and I hate the weather.

I love the snow but I also hate it at the same time. When I was a kid I used to look forward to the next snow storm, that would mean that there was a good possibility that school would be cancelled. Then we could have the day to play in the snow. I really miss those days. Now I dread those winter storms because I will have to be the one who has to drive in it to take the kids to School and Daycare. Yippy! Not. If school gets cancelled on account of the weather then it is up to me to find some one to watch my school aged child while I go off to work. While she gets to play. Not fare if you ask me. I guess it is payback for all of the times my parents were in my situation. I should have seen this coming back when I was a kid. But who plans that far ahead anyway.
Today my baby turns 1yrs old, it seems like I just had her yesterday. Boy time sure does fly when your having fun. She does so much now and has her own personality. Before I know it she be moving out of the house and starting a life of her own. Wouldn't you know it my older daughter will be having a birthday just around the corner. Jan 14th and she will be 8yrs old. I really miss her being a baby too. They just grow too fast. I wish I could slow time down just a tad so that I can really enjoy them being young. I really am gonna miss all of this when they are grown. All I can hope for is grandchildren. Just not too soon. Well you all will be hearing from me later to let you know how my baby's day turned out. So until later, have a great day.

Friday, November 28, 2008

I Love Family Get Togethers.

I just love the holidays. Every Thanks Giving and Christmas everyone comes over to my little apartment to spend time with each other and eat awesome food that I prepare. We watch movies, snack all day long, play games, and talk about everything. We just have fun. We also invite our friends because we have a lot of love and fun to share and we just can't see letting someone go without for the holidays. I love cooking for everyone. I may act crazy and get a little high strung, but once the turkey is in the oven and the rest is almost done I can relax and enjoy in the fun. We are not rich, but when we pull together miracles happen. I love trying to incorporate new foods to see which ones will be made into traditional foods that must be prepared every holiday. I love to see the the kids running around like little crazies, (to a point). We all just kick back and relax and have fun and show our appreciation for one another. I prepare and cook all of the food that we have for the holidays. Except for the pies. I don't like all of that extra time that it takes to make them. So we buy them. This year I made a apple crisp instead of buying a dutch apple pie. Let me tell you it was a big success. It tasted just like the pie only without the crust. It is something I will continue to make. It doesn't require too much effort on my part.
Everyone may arrive at different times but for the most part we all get to eat at the same time. Some even arrive stuffed from other get togethers, but when they get to my house they always manage to find room for my delicious food. I have it all snacks, turkey, sides, desserts, veggies, fruit, almost everything. I'm sure most families do the same thing I just feel like mine is even better. You really have to be here to see what the hype is all about. We have fun and make memories. It really is great and I love it. I look forward to this time of year every year.
Until next time. Have a Happy Holiday.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I feel like I'm in a Daze. I feel like I am on the outside looking in on my life and watching it, but I can't respond. I have so much on my mind right now. I am really stressed out, I can't sleep and I feel unresponsive. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts when I got off work, that I drove all the way home before I realized that I forgot to pick my baby up from daycare. The weird thing is that last week I forgot to pick my 7yr old from school. I don't know what is going on with myself, it's like I can't snap back to manual drive, like I'm stuck on auto drive. The last week has been like I'm here but not.
Any way on a brighter note my baby girl figured out about 3 weeks ago that she can pick her nose. Tonight she decided to see what they tasted like. Gross!! After she saw my reaction she kept on doing it. Can you say barf. They do the darnedest things and when they get a cool reaction from you they keep on doing it. Like when she learned that her finger fit in her nose and she smeared boogers all over her face, nose, and ears. She tries to pick my too!
Last night my older daughter and I got into an argument which she always over dramatizes. She is a true Drama Queen. I told her over and over to finish eating her dinner, she would just sit and pick and then she would get distracted and start playing. I gave her 3 chances to eat and each time I told her if she didn't then she would go to bed without finishing. She must not have believed me until I sent her to bed. Then came the okay I'll eat and I had to tell her no. I stood my ground and sent her to bed. Ohh she cried and screamed and started throwing a fit and I made her go to her room. Before I knew it she was screaming at the top of her lungs and kicking my floor. It sounded like she was gonna fall through the ceiling. The last time I had to do that she kicked a hole in my closet door and her bedroom door. I tell you sometimes I just don't know what I am gonna do with her. I love her but most days it is so hard dealing with her. I have to leave the room to recoup but she follows me and she just doesn't stop. I even step outside and she will follow me. She makes it hard to calm myself down. I do manage to do it, but only after I force her to stay in her room usually by scaring her. I hate it, but I don't know what else to do? She is constantly just crying and caring on and in my face. I just wish that when things got to that point, to where I needed a break, that she would just stay in her room until I'm ready to talk to her. Kid don't do that though. She gets herself so worked up to the point to where she is crying uncontrollably and hyperventilating. I have to try and calm her down before she pukes or passes out, and when I'm so angry it is hard to do. Oh but I love her so much. She is still my pride and joy no matter what she does or how angry I get. My brothers think that I should spank her, only it doesn't work and she would get it all of the time if I did. They just don't understand how to deal with a child with her type of disability. A child with ADHD and ODD who also suffers from anxiety need a different approach to discipline that other children. I am trying to learn new ways then what I have been doing because I am not getting far and I don't like battling it out with her. What works for one child won't always work for another, especially if they have a disability like mine or worse than mine. I am just glad that all my baby does right now is turn the TV on and off and the whole picking of the nose and eating it thing. It makes my job easier. I don't look forward to the teenage years if I can't keep her in line now. I am seeking help so I hope that it works. Cross your fingers and wish me luck.
Until next time have a good day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's has been a long time.

It has been a very long time since I had a chance to get back to blogging. I have been very busy this past year. I was pregnant the last time I had a chance to write and well guess what? I gave birth to my second child ( a little girl) on Dec. 18th 2007. I had a rough pregnancy. I was in constant pain pretty much all over. It was because I was so over weight. It didn't help that I have high blood pressure too. Through it all I managed to have a healthy baby girl. I have been very busy and I forgot about what I enjoy doing when I have free time to myself, blogging. My older child keeps me on my toes and drives me crazy in the process. She has ADHD, ODD, and she suffers from anxiety. Let me tell you she is quite the handful and I add a new bundle of joy into my life and everything keeps me on my toes. I love my children and I wouldn't trade them for the world. It wasn't easy for me to bring them into this world but it was always fun to make them. I enjoy watching them grow and learn new things. Even when I get so frustrated I have to remember that one day I'm gonna miss this. They will grow up and eventually they will start their own lives, I just hope to be there for them when they do. Help out when they need it. So many times I think I just can't wait until they grow up, why do they color on my walls, I talk and its like talking to a wall, in one ear and out the other. The back talking, crying, screaming, laughing, smiling, timeouts. It can be overwhelming at times, but I know one day I'll miss this. I am proud to be a parent. I couldn't picture my life any other way. I would be lost without them. Hey some people don't want kids I say hey that's your choice and it doesn't bother me. It's your life do what you like. I just can't stand the people who have them when they want nothing to do with them or abuse them. I say if you really did want your kids then you should have kept your legs closed or given them up for adoption. There are plenty of couples who would like to have children and can't or who would like more than one and can't. Those people bother me. The weird thing is they keep having them. I am blessed to have my children and if you have any I believe you should feel the same way. They don't stay little for long and before you know it there gone living their lives. Then you'll look back and miss it too.
Until next time.