Saturday, December 20, 2008

The week was a bore!

Oh my goodness this whole week has been a total blah. Nothing eventful except for the weather. First snow, then ice and snow, then more snow!!! I am fed up with the deep freeze. Just quite for a week please. The roads are constantly crappy and I want a break from it. Don't get me wrong I love snow but too much of a good thing is bad. You tend to grow tired of it real quick. At least we don't have this crap year long. I should be thankful. My baby is just growing so fast. I just don't want to think about it. She can't stay a baby for ever I guess. I just want them little for as long as I can. I know it can be challenging at times but hey this is what I wanted. Surprises all of the time. Kids are great for surprising you all of the time. They never stop amazing me. I am so proud of them. I hope that I can raise them well and that they will turn out to be outstanding citizens. Awe they are sooo precious when they are sleeping, true angles. Well it was nice to blog, it gave me a chance to take my mind off of all the blah, blah.
Until next time see ya soon.

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