Thursday, January 15, 2009

What a day.

On Jan. 14th my day started out like any other day minus the crappy snow. Only my oldest daughter turned 8yrs old today. I kept her home from school do to the crappy weather. I can't stand all of this snow. I couldn't work cause the weather sucked and lack of daycare. I tried to make the most of it for me and my children. I had a few errands to run once the roads were clear enough to travel on. I paid a bill went to the grocery store for some food. I let my daughter pick out some treats and pick out her birthday dinner. I wear she asked me for everything in the store. Every time I turned around she was asking me to buy her something different. I would tell her no! Then she would get that puppy dog face and say "but it's my Birthday." I would give in on a few little things but she would keep asking me for everything she could find. Her excuse was always the same. But it's my birthday she would say. I said that doesn't mean you get everything you want. There is a limit to my generosity. That didn't keep her from trying though. After all of my running was done we finally made it home where it is soo toasty warm. I pre-heated my oven to make fish sticks because that is what she wanted for her birthday dinner. Long story short I forgot that I stuck some dishes in there that were inside my favorite blue roasting pan. So next thing I know I smell somthing burning and I see smoke coming out of my oven. All of the plastic melted in my pan ruining it and some of the goo managed to get on the bottom of my oven. Oh my the smell was awful and overwhelming. I almost puked. I tried to open my back door to ventilate my kitchen faster but I had a very difficult time trying to open the door since the lock was frozen. I did get it open after trying so fiercely. I ended up making her fish sticks in the microwave, they just weren't the same as the oven. Defineatley not crunchy. Thank goodness she didn't mind. Later that evening we were all in my room getting ready for bed. Lilliana was playing with her baby sister Luciana on my bed while I was getting myself ready. Only the baby didn't want to play because Lilly was bouncing Lucy on her legs. I kept asking her to stop, but she wouldn't. I tried to take Lucy out of her grip but I couldn't without hurting her. Next thing I know my baby is screaming and I am yelling at Lilly and asking her what happened. She told me that she was bouncing the baby (duh) and she hit the baby in the face on her knee. I knew that she hit her in the nose because she gave my poor baby bloody nose. I freaked out of course and little Luciana wouldn't let me touch her nose and I managed to put a little pressure on it to slow the bleeding. I called the Pediatrician to ask her for advice. She said that I did all I could do for Lucy. She explained to me that I should take her to the Emergency room if it continues to bleed after 15 or 20 minutes. I'm glad it stopped. I'm glad that she didn't get a bruise. I am glad that yesterday is over.

I tried to start my car this morning so that I could go to work, only it wouldn't. I was surprised because for as long as I own my car it has always started up no matter how cold it has been. Today it is -18 degrees and with the wind chill it is more like -47 degrees. At least that is what the news said when they gave us the weather report. School is cancelled of course. Which surprised me because they never cancel where I live. I will keep trying because I want to go to work. I just doubt that I'll be able to get my car to start. I got my fingers crossed. I can't wait until it warms up. I want this winter weather to be over. I think the snow is pretty and should be anywhere but here. Oh well. It could be worse I guess. That god it's not.

Well until next time enjoy your day.

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