Monday, April 9, 2007

Ooops! Sorry Dad.

So far I have been so consumed with trying to get my first paycheck from my second employer that is has pretty much consumed my life. I wasted alot of time and energy on it. So much that I forgot about what is most important to me, family. I forgot about my Dad's Birthday that just passed on April 7th, he turned 60yrs old. I was so depressed about not getting my check that I completely for got to pick my Dad up the the Nursing Home. I ment to celebrate it with him and have a get together at my house. But I got so wrapped up in trying to get my check that I totally forgot. Of course to make matters worse my 3 brothers forgot too. I am the one who does all of the reminding in the family, so everybody forgot. I felt so bad when I remembered at 11:47pm that night. So I picked up my Dad the next morning and took him to church for Easter services and there I wished him a happy birthday. He had fun at church and since he was a visitor the got to get in the door prize action that they had after services. It wasn't much but he won a $10 gift card to Walmart. So now I have plans to take my Dad out with my next check providing that I get it on time next week. I just won't tell him about it I will suprise him so that he won't get his hopes up and then me mash them with the lack of money. At least he had fun on Easter,only it doesn't fix the guilt that I have for being so selfish and forgetting about him in the 1st place. Oh well until next time ya'all, have a great day.

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