Thursday, July 19, 2007

Lazy Days

Well in the past few days I have been real lazy lately. I haven't really wanted to do any thing. I feel like such a bad parent. I have even bee slacking around the house. It's not bad but still I can do better. I am just so tired all of the time and I just sleep. I guess this is normal for when your pregnant, I just remember having more energy when I was pregnant with my daughter. I am not even that old. I am only 26 yrs. old. Well I haven't been sleeping that well, I feel like I should move my bed into my bathroom since I am in it practically 90% of the time. At least it feels that way. I am very thank full that my daughter has been so understanding with me. It is actually quite surprising since she is stuck inside most of the time and she is only 6yrs old. She does talk me into playing games with her since I won't let her play outside when I can't be out there to supervise her. She seems to think that she can play out there by herself, but I say no. Really she is still to young to be out by herself and have no adult supervision. My luck she would go home with a stranger if I wasn't out there with her. Or she would get beat up by the other kids because she has this I don't want to share thing with other peoples toys including her own toys. Well kids will be kids. So far this week I have been blessed with rain so she can't ask to play outside. I do plan on taking her out to the park and swimming this weekend so hopefully she won't be too disappointed in me. Well I will quit complaining and I will talk to you all later so in the mean time take care.

1 comment:

Karma said...

I wouldn't blame yourself. I think that you are handling your pregnancy just right. Your daughter seems to be very supportive right now. You should feel really proud. And you're not a bad parent. You are taking great care of your daughter, especially under your circumstances. Every pregnant women should be just like you. I think that you are doing a great job.